

Environmental protection album design


Environmental protection (referred to as environmental protection) is caused by too serious environmental pollution problems caused by industrial development, which first aroused the attention of industrialized countries. The use of national laws and regulations and public opinion propaganda has made the whole society pay attention to and deal with pollution problems.
1. In 1962, American marine biologist Rachel Carson clearly described the environmental pollution and damage effects of pesticide insecticide DDT in the book Silent Spring. Because of the warning in the book, the American government began to investigate the problem of highly toxic pesticides, and established the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. The states also successively passed laws prohibiting the production and use of highly toxic pesticides. Because of this, the book is considered as the landmark starting point of environmental ecology in the 20th century.
2. Launched by the United Nations from June 5 to 16, 1972, the First United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm, which put forward the famous Declaration on the Human Environment. It was the beginning of the environmental protection cause that formally attracted the attention of governments around the world. The Chinese government also participated in the meeting.
3. The environmental protection cause of the People's Republic of China also started in 1972. The Guanting Reservoir Protection Office was established in Beijing, and the Three Wastes Treatment Office was established in Hebei Province to jointly study and deal with the problem that the Shacheng Pesticide Factory in Hebei Province, located at the side of the Guanting Reservoir, polluted the Guanting Reservoir. As a result, China promulgated laws formally prohibiting the production and use of "DDT" nationwide.
4. In 1973, the Environmental Protection Office under the State Construction Commission was established, which was later changed to the Ministry level State Environmental Protection Administration directly under the State Council. In the "Two Sessions" in 2008, the State Environmental Protection Administration was upgraded to the "Environmental Protection Headquarters" and implemented unified supervision and management on the national environmental protection.
5. Environmental protection bureaus (departments) have also been established in each province (city, district). The hotline 12369 and online 12369 center of the Environmental Protection Bureau were set up to accept the reports of environmental pollution incidents from the masses.

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Environmental protection album design

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